A Revolutionary One-Man Helicopter

This Week’s Hints to help you along:

  • Designed by two college dropouts in their 20s.
  • However, neither designer knew how to fly a helicopter!
  • Body styling reminiscent of a Ford Thunderbird car.
  • Supposedly easy to fly, stable, easy to maintain and just $10,000.
  • It never got off the ground as a commercial venture.

So do you know what this aircraft is?




Post a REPLY below with your best guess!

Click here to check out the previous What’s That?


3 thoughts on “A Revolutionary One-Man Helicopter

  1. Kim 'The_Pirate' Christensen says:

    This must be the Javelin helicopter, built by B. J. Schramm and Robert Everts. There is a ‘Popular Mechanics’ article about it from December 1966, page 132.
    500 pounds empty weight, speed up to 100 mph and a service ceiling around 12,000 ft.


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