A Radical Flying Wing

This Week’s Hints to help you along:

  • A two-seater, featuring a side-by-side cockpit design.
  • The designer’s one and only aircraft creation.
  • Is that an early flying wing, parallel to the work of the Hortens?
  • Record-setting (for its class), nonetheless, never manufactured.

So do you know what this aircraft is?




Post a REPLY below with your best guess!

Click here to check out last week’s What’s That?


3 thoughts on “A Radical Flying Wing

  1. Dick Funcke says:

    The photo was taken at Waalhaven airport, the former airport of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I think the big man in the picture is Frits Koolhoven, the Dutch airplane designer and manufacturer.

  2. Philippe Vigneron says:

    The aircraft shown is Charles Fauvel’s AV-10 as seen during testing by KLM. This aircraft beats two altitude records for aircraft equipped with an engine of less than 4 liters, both in the two seat and single seat categories.

    Just a question: Do we know which exact date this photo was taken?


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