Feature Stories – Part 6

Feature Articles

The Twelve Cockpits of Christmas

Happy Holidays from all of us at Historic Wings Magazine! We hope that you will appreciate our year end challenge for this year, a sort of holiday card from us to you and your family — can you guess the plane by its cockpit?

The Real Top Gun – Vol. 1

This month we salute the military pilots — fighter pilots in particular — who portray what it means to have “The Right Stuff”. They come from all around the world, friend and foe, they are professionals and the best of the best.

Art of the Pentagon — Vol. 2

This is the second volume of our series of artworks from the halls of the famed “Puzzle Palace”, the Pentagon. The works featured this month cover the modern era, from the Vietnam War until today.


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The Jezzi biplane with its white linen covering. Photo Credit: Flight, December 14, 1912

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